Funded by
The U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL)
Justice Initiatives
The Caribbean Anti-Crime (CAC) program consists of two pillars: Criminal Justice Assistance and Financial Crimes. Both combine regional, sub-regional, and country-specific interventions that respond to the ongoing needs of the Caribbean courts. The program utilizes multiple knowledge transfer and capacity building approaches, including classroom practice-based training, inter-institutional joint training, site study visits, mentoring, and problem-solving strategic dialogue. The approach chosen in each specific program is tailored to the identified needs to be addressed and learning objectives. NCSC has two decades of training experience in the Caribbean both through USG-funded projects and direct knowledge exchanges with Caribbean countries. For more information on how the program is structured click here.
The CAC program mobilizes professionals with expertise in the following areas:
Digital Court Recording
Ongoing effort in The Bahamas, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago to improve the efficiency of justice sector systems by facilitating digital recording proceedings. Digital recording systems allow judges and magistrates to immediately access records of hearing or trials and streamline most aspects of judicial proceedings.
Financial Crimes
Implement activities that aim to strengthen civil asset recovery mechanisms, encourage anti-money laundering best practices, and investigate and prosecute financial crimes throughout the region. The program aims to improve citizen security throughout the Caribbean by tackling narcotics trafficking and other forms of serious organized crime through asset recovery and robust anti-money laundering measures. Forfeiting illicit property from serious criminals leaves a sustainable legacy in the Caribbean by being reinvested into the very criminal justice agencies tasked with keeping these countries safe. For more information on the Financial Crimes effort click here.
Gang Investigation and Prosecution
Provide training to law enforcement and prosecutors on best practices for the investigation and prosecution of gang-related crimes including the handling of confidential witnesses and informants, as well as ensure
prosecutors and law enforcement fully understand the latest legislation on gang crimes and its application. This effort includes an assessment addressing gaps and challenges to investigating and prosecuting gang related cases in Jamaica; mentoring and workshops for law enforcement, prosecutors, judges and magistrates in Jamaica, Barbados & OECS; and manuals on best practices for combating gangs through successful investigative and prosecutorial techniques.
Judicial Ethics and Technology
Implement trainings for judicial officers on the value and importance of ethics in an evolving world, addressing topics such as public trust and confidence, legitimacy, accountability, and constitutional & international treaty obligations.
Maritime Crime
Identify investigative, legal, and procedural barriers preventing CBSI partner-countries from successfully investigating, prosecuting, and adjudicating maritime narcotrafficking offenses in the Caribbean region. The program's efforts include virtual tabletop exercises to enhance both the accuracy and impact of the assessment.
Pre-Trial Detention and Self Representation
Provide training for judiciary on how to more productively interact with self-represented defendants (SRD), simplify court processes to make it easier for SRDs to represent themselves, and develop self-help materials to help SRDs understand their options.
Trial Advocacy
Create desk manual for police prosecutors that covers topics such as: the basic principles of presenting a case; best practices when preparing and delivering an opening statement, direct examination, cross examination, and closing argument; and other trial advocacy skills reflecting international standards and best practices. This effort is in collaboration with DLA Piper New Perimeter, a nonprofit organization that supports access to justice, social and economic development, and sound legal institutions through pro bono legal assistance.
Virtual Judicial KIT
Provide monthly forum for Caribbean judges and magistrates to connect and discuss shared challenges and solutions to delivering justice in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The meetings also serve as a vehicle for vetting initiatives that are centered on enhancing the capacity of Caribbean judiciaries and increasing access to justice.
Court Case Management (Court Automation)
Modernize the current judicial management system and ensure that all the fees and manpower needed to maintain the system are sustainable. Through new cloud technology, the court can avoid the traditional costs associated with setting up a computer center, servers, software, and licenses. The mentoring program ensures that there are trained and savvy technical experts within the local courts.